Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blog 1

1. Marathon Running - Bobbie
Karate - Rene
OBGYN - Marilyn
All Star Cheerleading - Dominic
Automotive Repair - Nick
Yoga - Alyssa
Machine Programming - Ari
Yearbook - Emma
Drifting - Ricardo
Cancer Survivors - Darlene
Car Audio - Daniel
Veterinarian Oncology - Cheryl
Running a Bike Shop - Alex (free block w/ Hedman)
Wedding Dress Design - Jeanette

2. I want to know more about the independent components, it sounds like there are more than one and that everyone's is different.

3. I'm thinking mentorship might be the most important part, that and research.  Its important to know the material to give a good presentation.

4. I'm thinking of doing something with plants like hydroponic growing because its really interesting but if I cant find a mentor I'll just do karate because I've been doing it for 7 years.