Monday, April 28, 2014

Blog 20: Exit Interview

(1) What is most beneficial about the practice of Bikram Yoga?
  • Poses that increase circulation throughout the body 
  • Losing weight through a full body workout
  • Mood improvement and decrease in anxiety/stress
Best answer would be my answer one because the increased circulation allows injuries to heal.  Many people are not able to exercise while injured so I think this makes Bikram yoga unique. 
(2) I chose my best answer after noticing improvement in my injured shoulder and was able to find research supporting my answer.

(3)After finding foundation research I started having a difficult time finding research that was specific to my answers.  Once I started using the Cal Poly database ProQuest I was able to find some good dissertations ad theses that were specifically about my answers.
(4) Choudhury, Bikram. Bikram's Beginning Yoga Dialogue. N.p.: n.p., 2002. Web. Mar. 2014.

Which is the dialogue written by Bikram, the yoga's creator to direct the class.  It contains many notes specifying what the poses do and how they help the body.

 Daniell, Marina. "Bikram Yoga: Posture Benefits Explained | Bikram Yoga." Bikram Yoga: Posture Benefits Explained | Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga Benefits, 27 Oct. 2013. Web. 17 Jan. 2014.

This article goes in depth with how exactly each pose works at a physiological level.  Which muscle groups are being worked, which organ systems are being improved, etc.

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